Homemade exfoliator for face

Homemade exfoliator for face

The Best DIY Complete Facial Repair Solution
I have been asked for years what I use on my skin.
So, now I am offering this recipe and method for women that want a healthier option; a remedy for facial skin problems, without any harmful absorbing chemicals and/or toxins, that can also produce real results! Finally ditch those high priced skincare “solutions” and download this e-book which reveals the 3 All natural ingredients (you may already have at home), together with my method, for the most beautiful complexion and Even Skin Tone possible. 3 ingredients and nothing else to buy! If you’re looking for a:
-DIY Exfoliator
-Homemade Face Toner (rich in vitamin C)
-All Natural Moisturizer
You’re finally at the right place!
This is the only skin care your face will ever need again, and it:
–Is natural
–Is beneficial to skin affected by diseases/ailments
–Evens the skin tone; fades freckles, drastically reduces age spots.
–Is gentle enough for sensitive skin
–Is effective to reduce and/or eliminate acne
–Reduces fine lines and wrinkles; plumps the skin
–Is chemical free
–Is toxin free
–Is healthy for every skin type & age
My studies in Health, Nutrition, & Lifestyle Management began when my son was diagnosed with a very rare metabolic disorder, and just one of the many issues were problems with his skin. In order to keep him not only healthy, but comfortable (skin issues can be very painful and/or itchy), I began studying all aspects of the skin along with holistic health. This was the beginning of my journey into what is possible. I am happily able to treat my son as well as myself, with Amazing Natural Ingredient skincare. I’ll never go back to the high priced lotions and potions!
Research along with trial & error has lead me to results based findings. Since the historic pandemic, many of us have realized that our health must be a priority! It certainly is for me; in every area of my life, including my skin!
I have been so blessed by this skin solution, that I also want to bless others. Priced so no one is left out! Only $9.99
Because our skin is organic, it makes sense and is also data and study verified, that the more natural and organic the ingredients in skin products, the better our skin will accept and work in harmony with those products; and with much less chance of negative or unhealthy skin related reactions.
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